I am currently seeking highly motivated students and researchers at various levels with interest in one or more of the following areas to join my group:
Control systems
Scientific machine learning
Soft robotics
If you are passionate about cutting-edge research, possess strong technical and analytical skills, and have a background in dynamical systems and/or machine learning, I encourage you to apply.
PhD students & Postdocs
If you are interested in pursuing a PhD in my group, please apply to the Vanderbilt School of Engineering graduate program, and send me an email with your CV and the research areas you are interested in. If you are interested in pursuing a postdoc, email me directly with your CV and research interests. I am looking for candidates with at least one of the following qualifications:
a strong mathematical background in dynamical systems, and/or machine learning
a backgound in mechnical systems/robotics
experience in coding for machine learning/control systems in Python or MATLAB
Undergraduate & Master’s students
If you are interested in undergraduate research in my group, please email me with your CV and the research areas in my group that you find interesting. If you are interested in pursuing a Master’s thesis, please apply to the Vanderbilt School of Engineering graduate program, and mention me in your application.
Visiting students & researchers
Please send me an email with your CV and research interests.